Molid - Mock Solid Server¶
A mock server, that can be used for testing Solid apps locally.
Use cases:
- Provide data on localhost during development 🚧
- Ensure your Solid app is really compatible to different kind of Pod structures 🔗
- Provision Test-Pods for automated integration testing 🚦
- …
Quick start 🚀¶
Start using npx
, no installation needed
$ npx molid
Molid - mock Solid server listening on port 3333!
Molid provides some Solid data, that you can now access via HTTP, e.g.
$ curl http://localhost:3333/profile/card
All the mock data is stored within the .molid
folder in your current directory. Adjust it to your needs and restart.
Read The Docs 📖¶
Read the whole documentation on